Friday 15 August 2014

The Fruits of Summer

I read online today that 1 in 100 people would have McDonald's today. While eating my Big Mac for lunch I contemplated whether my choice was completely voluntary.  Disgusted with myself - I've satiated my fast food craving for a while. Not sure if I'm losing weight and am craving fatty food...or just needed a cheap meal where the proportions weren't completely all out of wack.

Big Mac and nuggets aside, my daily diet is becoming decidedly more fruitarian. 'Tis the season right? I can see why chimps go bananas for bananas - they are the perfect food for a primate on the go. Same goes for melons and containers of berries. It might be the summer heat, but I can't say I'm hungry for much else - perhaps I am reverting to a more primal state.

I took it to the next level and prepared a fruit salad last night (had it with half a chicken). The mango was one of the best I've had (the 'local' peach was lackluster):

Eat your fucking heart out Martha Stewart

I've been on the look out for a good spot to pick blackberries...gotta put on that winter weight. ;-)

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