Monday 18 August 2014

Hydration Frustration

Canadians are well known water wastes. We love our long showers etc - so it should come as no surprise that I’m having a difficult time keeping Walden stocked with water. Currently, I have capacity for about 12L of water (3 x 4L) which I had initially planned on filling at gas stations or washrooms.

Other than forgetting to fill when I have the chance, I run into three main issues:
  1. The washroom idea doesn’t work because 4L jugs are too big…I need to fashion a funnel and hose.
  2. Gas stations have free water less frequently than I remembered. A lot are doing it by donation. Coins are something I don't frequently have on and I am not carrying cash.
  3. I have my water filter but that is time consuming and really only ideal for when I’m in the sticks.
So frequently when I need water, I am finding Walden dry as a bone…it’s a bit of a pain.

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