Sunday, 1 March 2015


I'm currently at the Mexico City airport.

It's 10:30am and I've been here since roughly 10:00pm last night...and still have three and a half hours until lift off (hopefully).

I love airplanes but that's not why I'm still here, I was supposed to be at 30,000ft by now and most of the way home.

We decided, since my check in time was at 4:00am, to pull an all nighter like we did on the way down here. As we were desperately low on pesos, we took the metro. It closes at 12:00 so we had to come a little early...hence the 10 o'clock arrival. The airport seemed as good (and as safe) a place as any to burn the remaining time.

We realize a couple hours after arriving that my flight was cancelled due to "Winter Storm Sparta" (Dallas TX got some sleet/snow).

I log into Expedia and see they've booked an alternate. Great. What I didn't see is that it was for tomorrow!

By this point, my girlfriend had already checked the rucksack in - while I was in line waiting to see if I could change flights.

I see my gf off...and I was alone. Homeless, Sleepless, peso-less (we had carefully spent them all) in a foreign country. I have my day bag - which is pretty much my laptop and socks. Nothing else.

Luuuuckily - because I had no pressing deadline or no unrealistic expectations (like the old dude next to me). I remained calm and polite...and the lovely American Airlines clerk found me an alternate route home. It's wasn't easy but it's amazing what keeping calm next to a guy loosing his shit will get you. :-)

I've changed my itinerary 3 times - Aeromexico hopefully the last time - as this is started to feel like musical chairs.

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