Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Waste not - want not.

Yesterday I had spinach, tomato and ham wraps.
Then I had tomato and spinach wraps.
Then spinach wraps.
Then handfuls of spinach.

You see the problem here.

Grocery shopping isn't really geared towards single meals, in a van or otherwise. It's difficult to get the ratio correct - which leads to a last ingredient standing scenario as described above. I abhor food waste - so I end up eating a single ingredient until everything is done.

Logically the solution would be to buy more tomatoes, wraps and ham - however - I'd get caught in an infinite loop and be eating wraps forever.

I used to encounter this problem living alone in my apartment but the inability to store fresh ingredients exacerbates the problem. I've considered a cooler but frankly I'm not interested in dealing with constantly stocking it with ice etc - in this heat it would be a constant hunt for ice.

I miss pasta - one of my staples. When I visited Switzerland, I found they had single serve portions of pasta sauce.  I wish they had those here, it was fantastic - especially considering meals and restaurants started at $25!

One thing thing I can't enough of is fresh Okanagan fruit. So fucking amazing...

Still ended up eating plain sprouts after a few sandwiches like this. :-P

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