Saturday, 26 July 2014

The Sun Rises and Sets on the Walmart Empire.

Kelowna is a nice area. Bros abound -  it’s a bit like a Swollen Members music video. Tank tops, tans and toys - lifted trucks, wakeboards and quads.

I caught myself babbling on about militarization of police forces and media outlets with agendas yesterday while visiting with a friend at the beach. I realized “Shiiiiiiit, I’m a bit of a hippy”. In retrospect, Abbotsford may not have been the best spawning ground for discovering this side of myself.

Ten years ago, I was all set to be a G-man (military or police). My time in Victoria definitely rounded my edges and eroded away some superficial bullshit - not quite to the point of psychedelics, pot or petiole - but definitely more granola. The question is, would I have eventually found this facet of my personality? Or does one need to be immersed in a sub-culture to adopt their perspective? (could be said about living in a van). The overall effect is that I now like a martian whenever I visit places like Abbotsford or Kelowna - as my outlook is quite different to Joe Bro.

In Kelowna, I’ve stayed every night at chateau Walmart (it's amazing how quickly we establish routine) and watched the sun rise over the now familiar block this morning. Today is a new day - time to move on.  I’ll be heading down to Summerland do a spot of hiking/swimming - then likely westwards - back towards the Valley.

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